Picture Day

Picture Day

Underclassmen pictures will be in the multipurpose room Friday September 20th. Please send students in the following order:
9th grade Last name A-G 8:30-9:00 am
H-P 9:30-10:00 am
Q-Z 10:30-11:00
10th grade Last name A—G 11:30-12:00
H-P 12:30-1:00
Q-Z 1:00-1:30
11th grade Last name A-G 1:30-2:00
H-P 2:00-2:30
Q-Z 2:45-3:15
Any student who is not on campus during this assigned time may come at lunch. They should be gone no longer than 15 minutes. Passes will be provided for the event, the student name and time they left your room should be provided. Mrs. Westcott will return the pass with the time they left the event.
Yellow passes for 9th grade, blue passes for 10th grade and pink passes for 11th grade.

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