Human Resources » Review of Critical Issues, 2024-2025 (Back to School Required Orientation)

Review of Critical Issues, 2024-2025 (Back to School Required Orientation)

Employees are expected to thoroughly review the material provided in each section, as well as to visit any linked materials (PDFs, webpages, etc.) to read and/or complete the content associated with that section.


If you have any questions as you work through these sections, contact information for each leader or department head is located on the information overview for each section.

Training Agenda:

1. Bloodborne Pathogens
2. Safe @ School
3. ** Child Abuse Protocol (GCSS Board Policy JGI; ** GCSS Regulation JGI-R(1) - school admin/department review)
4. ** McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (GCSS Board Policy JBC(1); ** GCSS Regulation JBC(1)-R(1) - school admin/department review)
5. Student Support Teams
6. Drug-Free Workplace (GCSS Board Policy GAMA)
7. Energy Management
8. ** Fraud Prevention and Reporting (** GCSS Regulation DIE-R(1) - school admin/department review)
9. ** Title I - Building Capacity of School Staff for Parent Involvement, 2024-2025
10. ** School Based Safety Plan
11. ** Suicide Prevention Training (GCSS Board Policy JGJA)
12. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (GCSS Board Policy JR)
13. Employee Leaves and Absences (GCSS Board Policy GARH; ** GCSS Regulation GARH-R(1) - school admin/department review)
14. ** Employee Dress Code (GCSS Regulation GBRL-R - school admin/department review)
15. Divisive Concepts Complaint Resolution Process Policy (GCSS Board Policy IKBB)
16. ** Code of Ethics
17. Harassment (GCSS Board Policy GAEB)
18. Internet Acceptable Use/Employee Computer and Internet Use (GCSS Board Policy IFBG; GCSS Board Policy IFBGC)
19. Title IX Annual Training
20. GCSS Review of Critical Issues Sign-Off Form, 2024-2025


** Sections marked with an asterisk must be reviewed at the school/department and may contain sensitive or timebound material.

[All GCSS Regulations are to be provided and reviewed by school admin/department.]


Section 1: Bloodborne Pathogens

For more information, please contact GCSS Lead Nurse, Lisa Morrison, RN: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 2704.



Section 2: Safe @ School

Safe @ School - Training for Educators

For more information, please contact GCSS Lead Nurse, Lisa Morrison, RN: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 2704.



Section 3: Child Abuse Protocol

** GCSS Regulation JGI-R(1): Child Abuse or Neglect Reporting Protocols (to be provided and reviewed by the school administration/department)

Mandated Reporter Training is available online HERE.  This training takes approximately one-hour to complete, and will provide participants with a certificate showing a one-year validity period.

(Need some help getting started with the ProSolutions website?  Click HERE for a step-by-step guide.)

This Mandated Reporter Training was developed in conjunction with The Governor’s Office for Children and Families and provides in-depth information for all Mandated Reporters who are required under GA Law to report an suspicion of child maltreatment.

For more information, please contact GCSS Lead Social Worker/Homeless Coordinator, Marcyline Bailey: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 6222.

Section 4: McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

** GCSS Regulation JBC-R(1): Homeless Students (to be provided and reviewed by the school administration/department)

In accordance with the Education for Homeless Children and Youths: Subtitle B of Title VII of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, all eligible children and youth experiencing homelessness who reside within the Glynn County School System are entitled to a free, appropriate public education.

Each child of a person experiencing homelessness residing within the Glynn County School District is entitled to a free, appropriate public education Students identified as “homeless” or “in transition” will be given a full opportunity to meet state and local academic achievement standards and will be included in state and district assessments and accountability systems. The district will ensure that children and youth in transition are free from discrimination, segregation, and harassment.

Homeless children and youth are those who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence, including those who:

  • Share housing due to the loss of housing
  • Live in motels, trailer parks or camp grounds
  • Live in emergency shelters
  • Live in cars, parks, public spaces, etc.
  • ** Are awaiting foster care placement
  • Unaccompanied youth is a youth not in the custody of a parent or guardian

** Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) removes awaiting foster care placement from the McKinney-Vento Act one year after enactment.  However, under Title 1, Part A, the assurances safeguard that all children in any stage of foster care proceedings will receive McKinney-Vento-like rights and protections.

For more information, please contact GCSS Lead Social Worker/Homeless Coordinator, Marcyline Bailey: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 6222.



Section 5: Student Support Teams

Authority: O.C.G.A. 20-2-152; 20-2-240, Adopted: September 14, 2000, Effective: October 5, 2000

A Student Support Team is “an interdisciplinary team that uses a systematic process to address learning and/or behavior problems of students, K-12, in a school.”

SST Requirements:

  1. Each school shall have a minimum of one SST and shall establish support team procedures
  2. Before a referral is made for other supplemental or support services, an evaluation and/or assessment shall be conducted
  3. The SST shall include at a minimum the referring teacher and at least two of the following participants, as appropriate to the needs of the student.
    • principal
    • general education teacher
    • counselor
    • lead teacher
    • school psychologist
    • subject area specialist
    • ESOL teachers
    • special education teacher
    • school social worker
    • central office personnel
    • section 504 coordinator
    • other appropriate personnel
  4. Parents/guardians shall be invited to participate in all meetings of their child’s SST and in the development of interventions for their child.
  5. Each school shall include the following steps in the SST process: 
    • Gathering of Information
    • Assessment (if necessary) and Evaluation of Data
    • Development of Educational Plan
    • Implementation of Educational Plan
    • Evaluation of Progress
    • Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation
  6. Documentation of SST activities shall include the following:
    • Student’s name
    • Names of team members
    • Meeting dates
    • Identification of student learning and/or behavior problems
    • Any records of assessment
    • Educational plan and implementation results
    • Follow-up and, as appropriate, continuous evaluation

Exceptions to the use of the SST Process:

  1. School personnel and parents/guardians may determine that there is a reasonable cause to bypass the SST process for an individual student.  Documentation in the student's record shall clearly justify such action, including whether the parent or guardian agreed with such a decision.  In cases where immediate referral is sought, the SST shall still determine what interim strategies, interventions, and modifications shall be attempted for the student.
  2. It is not necessary for students who transfer into the local school system/state operated program with a current Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 plan to go through the SST process.

Identifying Students in SST:

  • The MTSS Core Team at each school will meet at least once per month to review student data:
    • Universal screening data for reading, math and behavior
    • Progress monitoring data for all students in each intervention
    • Individual student progress monitoring data
  • The MTSS Core Team may request assistance from the SST for students who have not responded to Tier 2 or 3 interventions.
  • The SST must do the following for all students in the process:
    • Request parent consent for screenings
      • Vision and Hearing
      • Academic Screenings (KBIT and KTEA)
      • Behavior Screenings (EBPS and/or ADDES)
    • Ensure that the Intervention(s) and Progress Monitoring Data are entered in GoMTSS
    • Meet 2-3 times to review progress monitoring data and determine individual student needs

Section 504 States:
No otherwise qualified individual with a disability...shall solely by reason of his or her disability be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program of activity receiving federal financial assistance.

Definition of a Disability:
Under Section 504 and the ADA, a person is considered to have a disability if that person:

  1. Has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities,
  2. Has a record of such an impairment, or
  3. Is regarded as having such an impairment.

Section 504 Evaluation Requirements:
Section 504 regulations require that the interpretation of evaluation data and subsequent placement decisions in schools:

  • Draw upon information form a variety of sources
  • Establish procedures to ensure that information obtained from all such sources is documented and carefully considered
  • Ensure that decisions about the child are made by a group of persons, including persons knowledgeable about the child, the evaluation data, and the placement options
  • Section 504 requires that schools reevaluate students periodically, and before a significant change of placement.

34 C.F.R.104.35


Child Find Requirement:
We cannot wait on parents to make a request for a Section 504 evaluation.

If we are "put on notice" of a possible disability, WE must take action to inform parents of all services their child might be eligible for, if evaluated and found eligible.

34 C.F.R.104.32; 34 C.F.R.104.35(a)


For more information about SST or Section 504, please contact School Support Coordinator, Amy Goff: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 1310



Section 6: Drug-Free Workplace

It is unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, or use a controlled substance or alcohol in the workplace.  This prohibition also includes, but is not limited to, an employee being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances while on duty.  It is the responsibility of each staff member to become familiar with the contents of and to read and abide by his/her system drug free workplace policies and procedures.

For more information please contact the GCSS HR Department, Executive Director of Human Resources, Michele Seals: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 1123



Section 7: Energy Management

Glynn County’s energy program has dramatically reduced consumption by monitoring usage and teaching staff how to modify habits and behaviors to save energy.  Since its inception in 2007, the program has:

  • Saved more than 30 percent of projected energy costs—more than $4 million—that would have been spent on energy without the program
  • Tracked utility costs monthly to find opportunities for conservation and reduction of electricity, natural gas and water usage.
  • The Glynn County School System is an official partner of the U.S. Environmental Agency’s Energy Star Program (

How can YOU help?

  • Thermostats – Fan setting should be set to “Auto”
  • Morning Cooling/Heating Temp max of 71°
  • End of the day Cool Temp 80°, Heat Temp 60°
  • Classroom doors should remain closed – no doorstops
  • Lights (including desk lamps) off when not in use
  • You will also receive an email reminder before the start of any school holiday!

For more information on the GCSS Energy Management Program, please contact Dewayne Bradham: [email protected] or 267-4100 ext. 1225



Section 8: Fraud Prevention and Reporting

** GCSS Regulation DIE-R(1): Fraud Prevention (to be provided and reviewed by the school administration/department)

For more information please contact the Director of Federal Programs, Dr. Kim Gabriel: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 1545



Section 9: Title I - Building Capacity of School Staff for Parent Involvement, 2024-2025
Principals must hold this session as a face-to-face meeting.

ESSA, Title I, Part A, Section 1116(E)3

For more information please contact the Director of Federal Programs, Dr. Kim Gabriel: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 1545



Section 10: School Based Safety Plan

Each school has developed a School Based Safety Plan, in conjunction with our Glynn County School Police Department.  Your school's principal or assistant principal will be able to review this with you, as well as provide access to an Emergency Rapid Response Options Quick Guide.

For more information on the GCSS School or District Safety Plans, please contact Chief Johnny Davis, Glynn County School Police: [email protected] or 267-4100 ext. 4112



Section 11: Suicide Prevention Training

The Board of Education shall provide to all certificated personnel annual training in suicide awareness and prevention in accordance with state law and rules established by the Georgia Department of Education.

For more information please contact Executive Director of Student Services and Legal Compliance, Senetra Haywood: [email protected] or 267-4100 ext. 1512



Section 12: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

For more information please contact the GCSS HR Department, Executive Director of Human Resources, Michele Seals: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 1123



Section 13: Employee Leaves and Absences

"Sick leave may be taken for absence due to personal illness, injury, maternity, or other temporary disability, or necessitated by exposure to contagious disease in which the health of others would be endangered by the employee's attendance, or for illness or death in the employee's immediate family. For reasons of illness, immediate family shall be defined as spouse, child, mother, father, brother, sister, or any relative living in the household of the employee. In the event of death, the definition of immediate family is extended to also include grandmother, grandfather, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law."

** GCSS Regulation GARH-R(1): Employee Leaves and Absences (to be provided and reviewed by the school administration/department)

For more information please contact the GCSS HR Department, Executive Director of Human Resources, Michele Seals: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 1123



Section 14: Employee Dress Code

** GCSS Regulation GBRL-R(1): Employee Dress Code (to be provided and reviewed by the school administration/department)
For more information please contact the GCSS HR Department, Executive Director of Human Resources, Michele Seals: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 1123

Section 15: Divisive Concepts Complaint Resolution Process Policy (GCSS Board Policy IKBB)

For more information please contact Assistant Superintendent, Tere Miller (PreK-5): [email protected] or Assistant Superintendent, Eric Benson (Grades 6-12): [email protected] 

Section 16: Code of Ethics

Section 1: Introduction. The Code of Ethics for Educators defines the professional behavior of educators in Georgia and serves as a guide to ethical conduct. The Georgia Standards Commission (GaPSC) has adopted standards that represent the conduct generally accepted by the education profession. The code defines unethical conduct justifying disciplinary sanction and provides guidance for protecting the health, safety and general welfare of students and educators, and assuring the citizens of Georgia a degree of accountability within the education profession.
Section 2 (e):  “Educator” is a teacher, school or school system administrator, or other education personnel who holds a certificate issued by the GaPSC and persons who have applied for but have not yet received a certificate. For the purposes of the Code of Ethics for Educators, “educator” also refers to paraprofessionals, aides, and substitute teachers.

For more information please contact the GCSS HR Department, Executive Director of Human Resources, Michele Seals: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 1123



Section 17: Harassment

For more information please contact the GCSS HR Department, Executive Director of Human Resources, Michele Seals: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 1123



Section 18: Internet Acceptable Use/Employee Computer and Internet Use

For more information please contact the Director of Technology Services, Bob Schwartz: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 1129



Section 19: Title IX Annual Training

For more information, please contact the appropriate Title IX Coordinator:

  • Student Title IX Coordinator: Senetra Haywood, Executive Director of Student Services: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 1512

  • Employee Title IX Coordinator: Michele Seals, Executive Director of Human Resources: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 1123

  • Title IX Sports Equity: Steve Waters, Executive Director of Athletics/Facilities: [email protected] or (912) 267-4100 ext. 1302


Section 20: Review of Critical Issues Sign-Off, 2024-2025