Strategic Waiver School System (SWSS) » Strategic Waiver School System (SWSS)

Strategic Waiver School System (SWSS)

In February of 2024, notice was given to school systems that those wishing to continue operating as a Strategic Waiver School System (SWSS) beyond their current contract end date must apply for a new contract with the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE).  The new streamlined application process took place between February and March of 2024, with GaDOE review, analysis and feedback conducted in April and May, and final State Board of Education approval taking place at the State Board of Education Meeting held June 13, 2024.
SWSS Contract Stages:
Glynn County School System's (GCSS) updated application included overarching rationales for each waiver category: academic programs flexibility, human resources flexibility, and financial flexibility.  Additionally, specific state laws and/or State Board Rules which were selected were listed, along with implementation details that included an explanation of the intended use and anticipated impact of the waiver.  For certain waivers, as determined by GaDOE, GCSS also provided additional explanation regarding the anticipated improvement in student outcomes through the use of the requested waiver.
The new GaDOE streamlined application also demonstrated an alignment with the Georgia Vision Project (GVP) in the following areas:
Recommendation Area 7: Governance, Leadership, and Accountability
  • 7.3 - Change and streamline the process by which local school district obtain flexibility from state mandates so it is based on school and district performance expectations outlined in the district's strategic improvement plan and takes into account the needs, resources, and characteristics of the local community.
Recommendation Area 9: Financial Resources
  • 9.4 - Provide a high level of flexibility to local school districts in decision-making authority about the most effective strategies for the expenditure of funds to enable all students to be successful in school, coupled with appropriate methods for evaluating school and district success and for implementing positive state interventions where they are found to be needed.
The SWSS Flexibility Contract will run from July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2030. 
Annual Monitoring will be done cooperatively with GaDOE to ensure GCSS meets the goals outlined within our SWSS Flexibility Contract. 
Annual Reports will be provided to GaDOE as per our SWSS Flexibility Contract, which will indicate progress toward meeting goals as well as the implementation and impact of the selected waivers outlined in Appendix A of our SWSS Flexibility Contract.
Dr. Shelly Nelson
Dr. Shelly Nelson
Director of Accountability and Compliance
912-267-4100 ext. 1538
[email protected]