Special Education Services & Supports » Special Education Services & Supports

Special Education Services & Supports

As educators, we have an obligation to educate students with disabilities to the best of our ability.  Our students deserve the opportunity to reach their maximum potential and it is our responsibility to help them.  We must provide students with experiences that will lead to success.  The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance to service providers in the Glynn County School System related to the implementation of special education programs as required by the Individuals with Disability Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA) and its regulations.  It is designed to guide special education administrators, building level administrators, special education teachers, and assessment personnel through the appropriate procedures for the identification and evaluation of students with disabilities and subsequent Individualized Education Plan (IEP) development for students eligible to receive special education services.  Additionally, this manual may serve to provide guidance to parents regarding policies and procedures for identifying and providing services to students with disabilities.  It is not intended to state new law or supplant any federal or state laws, regulations, or requirements. Nothing in this manual should be seen as having the force of law. This manual should not be cited as law or as imposing any additional requirements or obligations outside the requirements of existing law. Consequently, it is the expectation that all procedures set forth in this manual are adhered to by all Glynn County School System (GCSS) personnel.  Each staff member is accountable for reading the manual and training will be provided to ensure a thorough understanding of its contents.  Annual performance evaluations will take into account the effective implementation of the procedures outlined in this manual.  While the primary focus of this manual is to ensure compliance, the primary objective is to promote excellence in teaching and to provide guidance in developing plans for students that will create paths that lead to preferred post-secondary outcomes.  Our students deserve the best that educators can give them.  This manual will assist in providing our students with quality services that will result in social, emotional, and academic growth.

Eric Mowbray

Director, Special Education Services & Supports

Implementation Manual
The Implementation Manual is being updated.  As each chapter is updated, it will be posted.  Please continue to check back for additional updated chapters.
About Our School / Support Staff


Special Education Support Team Members

Sydney Ross, Special Education Department Secretary
1-912-267-4100 x 1127

                Andrew Oliver, Special Education/Medicaid Clerk & AT Library
    1-912-267-4100 x 1163      

         Jacqueline Powell, Special Education Compliance/Records Clerk 
1-912-267-4100 x 1158






           Parent Survey                  


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