Accountability and Compliance » Accountability and Compliance

Accountability and Compliance

Dr. Shelly Nelson
Dr. Shelly Nelson
Director of Accountability and Compliance
912-267-4100 ext. 1538
[email protected] 
Audit Management and Compliance
A vital role of Accountability and Compliance is to serve as the Georgia Criminal Information Center (GCIC) and Non-Criminal Justice Agency (NCJ) Point of Contact, as well as the GBI Audit Manager and LMS Administrator for Glynn County Schools.
As a part of this process, the Glynn County School System (GCSS) is audited every two years to ensure that we are in full compliance with the laws, rules, and policies outlined by the GCIC, NCJ, and Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) - U.S. Department of Justice/FBI and Georgia Bureau of Investigation (Non-Criminal), in regards to our employees and contracted workers.
This audit reviews not only our policies and procedures, but also our understanding and fulfillment of the statutes by which we are bound. 
During our most recent audit (November 2023), GCSS was found to be in full compliance.
In accordance with O.C.G.A. 20-2-210, Glynn County Schools conducts annual performance evaluations for all employees.
Glynn County Schools utilizes the Georgia Department of Education's Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TKES) and Leader Keys Effectiveness System (LKES) for our teachers and school leaders.  Additional evaluation instruments are also developed and updated as needed for our certified Contributing Professional (CP) employees and Classified staff. These evaluations are housed in an alternate online platform.
Evaluations and their associated platforms are managed through Accountability and Compliance.
GaDOE Portal Management
The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) Portal provides secure access for authorized users to various system and school-level data.  Organization and application roles are strictly monitored by both the Glynn County School System (GCSS) and GaDOE.  Role and application provisioning require multi-step approval and go through local and state-level workflows to ensure correct and necessary permissions have been established.
If you have any questions regarding GaDOE Portal access, please contact Dr. Shelly Nelson, GCSS GaDOE Portal Administrator.
GaDOE State Reporting:
Certified and Classified Personnel Information (CPI)
What is CPI?
Certified and Classified Personnel Information (State Board Rule 160-5-2-.50).  CPI is the reporting of certified and classified personnel based on their role within our district. The school system receives funding from the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) based on each employee's job assignment, certification, and years experience.
Who is reported?
  • All regular employees, certified and classified, full-time and part-time (this also includes House Bill 385 "Return to Work" Retirees)
  • Long-term substitutes
  • Third-party contracted employees
What is reported?
  • A Record: Demographic Data
  • B Record: Contract and Certification
  • C Record: Job Assignment
  • D Record: Leave Information
When is CPI Data collected?
  • Cycle 1 - October
  • Cycle 2 - March
  • Cycle 3 - July
How is this data used?
  • To generate funding
  • Determine qualifications for House Bill 280 (Math and Science Incentive Funding)
  • Help determine teacher shortages
  • Establish the basis for the Title I Comparability Report
  • Determine In-Field status by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) under ESSA
Glynn County Schools has applied for and been awarded the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grants. Per application requirements, grants information must be made available for public consumption on the Glynn County Schools' website.
For additional information regarding the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) Grants, please visit the 21st CCLC page on the GaDOE website.
Glynn County Schools also receives federal grant funding, which is managed through our Federal Programs.
Additionally, GCSS regularly seeks out available, appropriate grant opportunities.  Click on the grants tab to the right to learn more!
Organizational Chart
Each year, Glynn County Schools reviews and updates our Organizational Chart to include a comprehensive picture of the roles and responsibilities within the central office.  A hyperlinked file containing a brief overview of each position can be found on our Organizational Chart webpage.
Strategic Planning
A major role of Accountability and Compliance is to support the priorities of the district through the development of the district's Strategic Plan and implementation of identified priorities and strategies to improve student outcomes and overall school performance. Progress indicators aligned to the Strategic Plan gauge the district's progress toward strategic goal areas and performance objectives. The focus of this work combines expectations from federal, state, and local guidelines for schools as well as the district.
Our Strategic Plan is a part of our continuous improvement process, and as such is a living document. Progress is updated and made available monthly on our Strategic Plan webpage. There, you will also find additional information on the development of our plan and highlights from the process overall. The alignment of the Strategic Plan's focus areas to Georgia's Systems of Continuous Improvement and the Performance Standards established by Cognia (formerly known as AdvancEd) for accreditation, shows our commitment to coordinate our efforts within a single reference. Additionally, we have aligned our action steps in support of the Georgia Vision Project.
Board of Education meetings and administrative meetings with the Superintendent's Cabinet and Directors are developed using the Strategic Plan focus areas as the framework. This direct connection with our Strategic Plan ensures a continued focus on system priorities.

Strategic Waiver School System (SWSS)


With our designation as a Strategic Waiver School System (SWSS), a flexibility partnership between the Georgia Department of Education and the Glynn County School System since 2015, Glynn County Schools incorporates strategies to maximize flexibility to increase opportunities for students without negotiating the quality of their experiences.


Improvement initiatives capture the innovative ideas of leaders within the system while maintaining a culture of accountability that influences positive change.  This helps our district and school leaders develop strong foundations for success through evidence-based practices and provides expectations for continued growth.

System Accreditation (Cognia)
Hand-in-hand with our strategic planning process, our System Accreditation is also a means of strategic thinking and improvement planning. Our process of continuous improvement is guided by Cognia's Performance Standards, along with the four key characteristics of the Culture of Learning, Leadership for Learning, Engagement of Learning, and Growth in Learning, as a framework for our own reflective journey of leadership and learning. Cognia's eleot (Effective Learning Environments Observation Tool) instrument is used to collect, analyze, and synthesize data among each of our schools. Taken together, this process not only allows us to meet improvement goals, but to sustain our commitment to better learner outcomes.