Purchasing and Bid Opportunities
Construction, Land Clearing, Site Preparation, Facilities & Grounds:
mike.blackerby@glynn.k12.ga.us 912-267-4100 ext. 1210.
Surplus school property is auctioned on www.govdeals.com
School cafeteria purchases for food, non-food supplies, milk, and bakery items are through a formal, sealed bid with public opening or a Request for Proposal (RFP). For non-capital construction projects requiring on-site contractor installation, a Request for Proposal (RFP) is used. RFP's are not opened publicly.
In both cases (bid or RFP), the opportunity may be advertised appropriately in the county’s legal organ (The Brunswick News) for a minimum of 3 consecutive days. An Invitation to Bid may be listed on the Georgia Procurement Registry:
Purchases of $40,000 or more require approval and official award by the Glynn County Board of Education. Awards are made on a "lump sum" basis, and within a week of the Board of Education awarding a bid or an RFP*, the award information will be posted below and on the Georgia Procurement Registry. *PLEASE NOTE: Due to the Board of Education's meeting schedule, it may be 4-6 weeks after the bid/RFP response deadline before an official award is made.
Other information relating to an RFP that is not listed below is available through an Open Records Request. After receipt of the request and prior to any record retrieval, requestors will be provided with a written Cost Estimate detailing the cost of providing access to the requested records and the cost for photocopies. If records are to be copied and mailed, full payment must be received prior to delivery of the records. Payment options are limited to US currency, company checks, and money orders (no personal checks). Please direct open records requests to the Open Records Officer:
Paul S. McKenzie
Glynn County Schools Open Records Officer
Glynn County Schools
5505 Altama Avenue
Brunswick, GA 31525
IMPORTANT: It is occasionally necessary to make revisions after a bid or RFP has been originally posted. It is the vendor's responsibility to review the postings on this website often to make themselves aware of changes and additions that have occurred. Failure to do so will not relieve vendors of the obligation to comply with all terms and conditions from the latest posting of any changes to a bid or RFP to which they respond.