Leslie Forcina » Department of Teaching and Learning

Department of Teaching and Learning

The Department of Teaching and Learning emcompasses Title II, Part A, a federal grant to support effective instruction as well as Title III, Part A, a federal grant to support language instruction for English Learners and immigrant students. In addition, our department supports our state English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program. We offer support to all schools for pedagogy and curriculum.
Learn more from the Georgia Department of Education:
Dr. Leslie Forcina 
Director of Teaching and Learning                                                                                                                                    lforcina@glynn.k12.ga.us                      
912-267-4100 x 1525                                                                    
Dr. Leslie Forcina
Office located at:
5505 Altama Avenue
Board of Education
Brunswick, GA 31525
Mrs. Linnett Benson
Administrative Assistant
912-267-4100 x1521
Need to reserve a room at the Board of Education for a meeting or professional learning? Click on the room you want to reserve below.
Board Room
Executive Session Conference Room
Human Resources Conference Room
Computer Lab  24 computers
Large Meeting Room maximum capacity 70
Small Meeting Room
maximum capacity 33